Jones to Hold Legislative Office Open House in Elizabethtown

January 18, 2023

ELIZABETHTOWN - Rep. Tom Jones (R-Lancaster/Lebanon) will host an open house at his legislative office in Elizabethtown on Thursday, Jan. 26.

“Residents of the 98th Legislative District are warmly invited to drop by the open house to meet me and my district office staff,” Jones said. “My district office offers a wide array of services to help people with state government needs. We’ll make lots of information available during the open house, and we’re just looking forward to welcoming constituents to my office.”

Jones’ office is located at 222 S. Market St. in Elizabethtown. Street parking is available, as well as free parking in a lot behind the building. The open house event will run from 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

In November 2022, Jones won the election to represent the 98th Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

The 98th Legislative District consists of part of Lancaster County consisting of the townships of Conoy, East Donegal, Mount Joy and West Donegal and the boroughs of Elizabethtown, Marietta and Mount Joy; and part of Lebanon County consisting of the townships of South Annville and South Londonderry and the borough of Mount Gretna.

Jones’ district office is open weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Constituents may call the office at 717-367-5525. More information is available at

Representative Tom Jones
98thd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Diane Moore

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