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House Republican Policy Committee Hearing

April 18, 2024

This is the third hearing in a series titled “Job-Creating Tax Reform” to discuss ways to foster economic growth through business-related tax reform. Hosted by Rep. Tom Jones, the meeting was held at the East Donegal Township Building in Lancaster County.

"What is in My Child's School Library?" Press Conference

October 04, 2023

A group of state policymakers come together to help protect children from sexually explicit material and highlight some of the books known to be in school libraries.

Some Highlights of Our District

July 27, 2023

I put together a video of some great locations in our 98th Legislative District. I hope there are some new locations that you'll be able to check out and enjoy!

Jones Acts to Broaden Property Tax Relief

June 07, 2023

In an attempt to broaden property tax relief for all Pennsylvanians, Rep. Tom Jones (R-Lancaster/Lebanon) offered an amendment to protect first-time home buyers from added financial burden.

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