Jones Announces Local Fire, Ambulance Grants for 98th Legislative District
February 8, 2023
HARRISBURG – Fire and emergency response organizations serving the 98th Legislative District in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties are set to receive $131,560 in funding under the Fire Company and Emergency Medical Service Grant Program, announced Rep. Tom Jones (R-Maytown).
The grant funding comes from a program created by the Legislature and administered by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and Office of the State Fire Commissioner (OSFC). All funding comes from the proceeds from slot machine gaming, and not General Fund tax revenue. Funding is granted for eligible projects including facilities, equipment, debt reduction, training, education, recruitment and retention, and several additional projects.
“Our fire and EMS companies are vital to our communities and this grant money will be of help with the equipment, training and other necessities they need in order to do their jobs effectively,” said Jones. “I’ve served as a director for the Maytown/East Donegal Township Fire Department. I know how much these organizations need our support, and I will work on behalf of our emergency service providers in any way possible.”
The following is a list of local fire and ambulance companies that serve portions of the 98th Legislative District and the amount of their grant awards. All companies that apply and meet requirements outlined by OSFC receive funding. Companies must file a grant agreement with OSFC to receive their grants.
• Bainbridge Fire Company – $15,000.
• Maytown/East Donegal Township Fire Department – $15,000.
• Northwest EMS Inc. – $20,000.
• Pioneer Fire Company No. 1 – $14,071.92.
• Rheems Fire Department – $15,000.
• Lawn Fire Company – $12,106.88.
• Mount Gretna Community Volunteer Fire Co.- $12,843.77.
• Union Hose Fire Co. of Annville, Inc. - $27,536.97.
Representative Tom Jones
98th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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