House GOP Policy Committee Hosts Third in Series of Hearings on Job-Creating Tax Reform
April 16, 2024
WHAT: House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Joshua D. Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), Rep. Tom Jones (R-Elizabethtown) and other lawmakers will host the third hearing in a series titled “Job-Creating Tax Reform” to discuss ways to foster economic growth through business-related tax reform.
WHO: Kail; T. Jones; members of the committee; Neal Lesher, director of government affairs, PA Chamber of Business and Industry; Philip Fullerton, president and owner, John E. Fullerton, Inc.; and Eric Wenger, managing partner, RKL.
WHEN: Thursday, April 18, at 10 a.m.
WHERE: East Donegal Township Building
190 Rock Point Road, Marietta, PA 17547
LIVESTREAM: Barring any technical difficulties, the hearing will be streamed online at
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