Jones Announces Funding for Elizabethtown Water Project

July 19, 2024

ELIZABETHTOWN – The Elizabethtown Area Water Authority will receive a low-interest loan for an infrastructure-improvement project, Rep. Tom Jones (R-Lancaster/Lebanon) announced.

The $20 million loan is through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) and will be used for a project to replace water mains. The project will replace existing water mains with new ductile iron water mains and transfer all water services to the new main. The cast iron piping is generally between 4-8 inches in diameter and will be replaced with new ductile iron pipes between 8-12 inches in diameter.

“This loan will assist the water authority with completing a worthwhile initiative that will benefit many residents with more reliable water service,” Jones said. “I want to thank the PENNVEST board for recognizing the importance of this project.”

PENNVEST was created by lawmakers in 1988 to provide financial assistance to support community sewer, storm water and drinking water projects.

Representative Tom Jones
98th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross

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